Commission status: semi open

status: closed

fully rendered digital painting of your character

$35 head shot
$40 half body
$45 full body
+$15 additional character
+$10 painted background
+$5 simple background
note: character colors may be altered to fit the piece if painted background is chosen

status: open

simple piece of chosen character with flat colors and/or cell shading

$15 head shot
$20 half body
$25 full body
+$5 add cell shading
+$5 add simple background
+$10 additional character

status: open

custom character design
can be done with or without direction of customer

$20 simple design+$5 for complexity
+$10 make it a ref sheet

status: open

sketch of character of choice

$10 single character
$15 sketch page
+$5 add color
+$5 per additional character

⚠️ I reserve the right to deny any commission for any reason ⚠️

will draw

-tasteful nudity
-trademarked characters

Discuss first

-humanoid characters

! you may be charged extra for these subjects !

will not draw

-violence and/or hate speech directed at any minority
-complicated mechs
-fetish material in an otherwise sfw piece
-promotion of harmful activities and/or ideations
-promotion of potentially harmful groups or organizations
-any religious material